Current State of MarTech - #7

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What's going on today in MarTech in the enterprise?

This week, I’m touching on:

  • (De) Composable Architecture
  • Wallet Marketing?
  • Marketing Automation vs. Digital Marketing vs Email Automation

(De) Composable MarTech

The rapid evolution of marketing technology (MarTech) has led to unprecedented complexity in managing digital assets, customer data, and marketing operations.

As large enterprises contemplate the strategic separation of business units or brands, the architecture of their MarTech stack becomes a critical factor in ensuring a smooth transition and future scalability.

In this edition, I delve into the concept of a composable MarTech architecture and its vital role in facilitating the separation of business units or brands within large organizations.


Marketing technology, or MarTech, has evolved from disparate tools to a complex ecosystem of platforms, services, and APIs. The architecture of this ecosystem can either be a strategic asset or a liability, particularly when large enterprises undergo structural changes such as business unit separation or brand spin-offs.

Traditional monolithic MarTech architectures often present challenges in these scenarios due to their inflexibility and tightly coupled components. In contrast, a composable MarTech architecture offers modular, interchangeable components that can be easily reconfigured to meet the unique needs of separate business entities.

Defining Composable MarTech Architecture

A composable MarTech architecture is predicated on the principle of modularity, where each component or service is designed to perform a specific function and can be easily integrated or disintegrated from the system.

Unlike monolithic architectures, where changes in one component can necessitate changes across the entire system, composable architectures allow for greater flexibility and scalability.

Key characteristics include:

- Loose Coupling: Components interact through well-defined interfaces and APIs, minimizing dependencies.

- Interoperability: Standards-based design ensures that components can be easily swapped or augmented.

- Scalability: The architecture can easily adapt to increased loads or additional functionalities without requiring a complete overhaul.

- Decentralization: Business units can manage their own stack components, allowing for customization and agility.


Composability in Business Unit Separation

Flexibility and Speed

When a large enterprise separates into distinct business units or brands, each entity will likely have unique marketing needs and customer segments. A composable MarTech architecture allows for the rapid reconfiguration of marketing technologies to meet these unique needs without requiring extensive redevelopment, enabling business units to quickly adapt to market changes and customer expectations.


The modular nature of a composable architecture allows organizations to invest in only the components necessary for each business unit. This stands in contrast to monolithic systems, where the cost of unused functionalities can add up. Moreover, integrating best-of-breed solutions for specific tasks can result in overall cost savings and improved ROI.

Data Governance and Compliance

Data governance becomes increasingly complex when business units separate, especially when they operate in different regulatory environments. A composable architecture allows for the decoupling of data layers, enabling each unit to implement its own governance policies and compliance mechanisms. This is particularly important for adhering to regulations like GDPR, CCPA, or any future data protection laws.

Innovation and Experimentation

The modular nature of composable architectures allows business units to independently experiment with new technologies or marketing strategies without affecting the larger organization, fostering a culture of innovation and enabling quicker validation of new ideas.

Closing thoughts

As large enterprises contemplate or execute the separation of business units or brands, the architecture of their MarTech stack becomes a strategic focal point. A composable MarTech architecture, characterized by its modularity, loose coupling, and scalability, offers a robust solution for such organizational changes.

By facilitating flexibility, cost-efficiency, data governance, and innovation; composable architectures are not merely an option but necessary for enterprises aiming to successfully navigate the complexities of business unit separation.

Wallet Marketing

Digital wallets serve as electronic devices or online services that allow an individual to make electronic transactions. This technology not only simplifies the process of payments but also serves as a valuable platform for targeted marketing strategies. Digital wallets have the potential to revolutionize customer engagement through personalized, real-time marketing initiatives.

Fundamental Aspects

Digital wallets offer a plethora of opportunities for marketers. These platforms are rich in data, highly personalized, and are almost always within the user's immediate reach.

For instance, geolocation services can enable marketers to send targeted promotions directly to a user's digital wallet as they approach a retail location. Additionally, digital wallets streamline the implementation of loyalty programs, eliminating the need for physical cards and enabling more dynamic, interactive customer engagement.

Future of Direct Communications

As we look towards the future, the role of digital wallets is expected to evolve from a passive storage system to an active participant in the consumer's daily activities.

Advanced features could include real-time notifications about sales, reminders to utilize loyalty points, and even product recommendations based on past purchasing behavior. This level of direct communication can serve as a highly effective, personalized marketing channel.

Integration with Web3 and Blockchain Technologies

The advent of web3 and blockchain technologies presents even more intriguing possibilities.

Web3 refers to a new paradigm for applications on the internet, built on a peer-to-peer network. This decentralized approach eliminates the need for intermediaries, offering users more control over their own data. In this context, digital wallets could become a hub for decentralized finance (DeFi) activities, including lending, borrowing, and investing, all conducted in a secure and transparent manner.

Blockchain technology could further enhance these capabilities by enabling smart contracts that automatically execute when predefined conditions are met. For marketers, this means the ability to create transparent, automated promotions that are directly sent to consumers' digital wallets upon entering a physical store or completing a specific action online.

Convergence of Digital Interactions

In the long term, we can anticipate a convergence of various digital interactions within the digital wallet ecosystem. Beyond merely serving as a repository for financial assets, digital wallets could evolve to become a comprehensive identity and asset management system. This would include serving as a secure identification method, a key to digital assets, and a portal to a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps).

Marketers will need to adapt their strategies to provide value in this increasingly complex digital landscape.

Final Thoughts

In summary, Digital Wallet Marketing presents a transformative opportunity for businesses to engage with consumers in a more personalized and efficient manner.

The integration of advanced technologies like Web3 and blockchain further amplifies the potential of this platform, making it a critical focus area for forward-thinking marketers.

Marketing Automation vs. Digital Marketing vs Email Automation

What are the basics of Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation refers to the use of software platforms and technologies designed to automate repetitive marketing tasks and processes. These platforms are typically used in conjunction with customer relationship management (CRM) software, email marketing tools, analytics software, and other digital marketing channels. The aim is to nurture leads through the marketing funnel more efficiently, improve ROI, and save time.

What are the differences with Email Automation?

Email automation is a subset of marketing automation focused specifically on the automated sending of emails. While marketing automation encompasses a broad range of automated activities across multiple channels (email, social media, web, SMS, etc.), email automation is concerned solely with automating email tasks.

How does Marketing Automation compare to Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing and marketing automation are closely related but distinct concepts in marketing.

Digital Marketing is a broad term that encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect with current and prospective customers.

Digital marketing includes a wide range of activities and channels, such as:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
  • Affiliate Marketin
  • Email Marketing

Marketing Automation on the other hand, is a technology-driven strategy that allows businesses to automate, streamline, and measure marketing tasks and workflows. It is often a component within a broader digital marketing strategy, aimed at making repetitive tasks more efficient and effective.

Marketing automation can include:

  • Email Automation
  • Lead Scoring
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Social Media Posting
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Multi-Channel Campaigns
  • Personalization

Key Differences


How do all these concepts stand together in MarTech?

MarTech is a broad term that encompasses all the technology tools and platforms marketers use to plan, execute, and measure marketing campaigns. This includes everything from analytics software and CRM systems to content management systems, social media platforms, and more.

Digital marketing, marketing automation, and email automation are all subsets or components within the larger MarTech landscape.

How they fit into MarTech

- Digital Marketing: This is a broad category that includes various online marketing activities like SEO, PPC, social media marketing, content marketing, etc. Each of these activities may use specific MarTech tools.

- Marketing Automation: This is a more specialized category within MarTech, focused on automating repetitive marketing tasks. Marketing automation platforms are MarTech tools designed to integrate with other technologies like CRM systems, email platforms, and analytics tools.

- Email Automation: This is even more specialized and is often a feature within a marketing automation platform, although there are standalone email automation tools. These tools are also part of the MarTech stack and are designed to integrate with other marketing and sales technologies.

Key Points

1. Integration: One of the major goals of MarTech is to create an integrated technology stack where different tools and platforms can communicate with each other. This is crucial for creating a unified view of the customer and measuring ROI effectively.

2. Data Analytics: MarTech tools often come with built-in analytics or integrate with specialized analytics platforms, enabling marketers to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns across various channels and making data-driven decisions.

3. Customer Experience: MarTech tools are increasingly focused on improving the customer experience by enabling personalization, multichannel marketing, and customer journey mapping.

4. Compliance and Security: With the growing importance of data privacy regulations like GDPR, many MarTech tools now include features to help with compliance.

5. Scalability: MarTech tools are designed to scale with the growth of the business. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, there's likely a MarTech solution that fits your needs.

6. Innovation: The MarTech landscape continually evolves, with new tools and technologies emerging to solve specific marketing challenges. This includes advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics.

In summary, MarTech is the overarching field that includes all the technologies used in marketing, while digital marketing, marketing automation, and email automation are specific disciplines within that field, each with its own set of specialized tools.

These concepts are interrelated and often integrate to create a cohesive marketing strategy.

One last thing

The current state of MarTech poses many challenges but also fascinating opportunities. MarTech in the enterprise has the privilege to impact the customers' lives directly, and this impact should be a positive one.

We're working hard to provide more tools  and simplify complex topics to accelerate the learning and application of technologies in this space.

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